Tuesday, October 30, 2007

5 Things for Cora (Inspired by Megs)

5 Things I Want Cora to Know:

1. Be nice. Learn from your Auntie Brooke--she's a pro.

2. Have confidence in yourself. Know that you can do anything.

3. Surround yourself with love, brightly colored paper, good food, family, and the Gospel.

4. Never stop smiling. Life is too short to not look for the good in everything.

5. I love you. You will never know how much until you have a child of your own.

PS (from your dad)
Moderation in all things.
Small dogs (and popped collars and sideways hats and other trendy things) really aren't that cool.
Use your blinker.

If you can't tell these things from Pete are currently things that bug him. I am sure ifhe was dying tomorrow he would say something else to Cora.


ty and megs said...

i must be tired. i read that pete doesn't like "pooped" collars over and over trying to figure out why he would say that. OBVIOUSLY nobody would like poo on their collar and why would you ever get it there? is this an inside joke? than i realized the obvious...duh.

Megan said...

Small dogs really are that cool. My small dog scared the heck out of your bigger-than-I-am dog. How about a show-down?