Thursday I was thankful for...1.Cora - She is amazing. I watched my brother's kids on Thursday night, sleeping at their house in Saratoga Springs. Since Cora hasn't spent many nights away from her own bed she didn't do so well in the Pack n' play. She eventually fell to sleep after crying for 15 minutes. But she woke up about an hour later. So I decided to put her in the bed with me and watch So You Think You Can Dance. She was so tired but was fighting sleep while we watched the show. She spent the next hour or so snuggling on every inch of the bed, including me. Which was awesome cause she rarely just chills and snuggles with me unless she is really really sick. She also clapped at the end of each dance piece. She has a very heightened sense for fine art :) She eventually fell to sleep at the foot of the bed. So I drug her back to me and got her under the covers.
Even though I got no sleep that night I couldn't have asked for anything better then to snuggle with Cora and take in that small moment of realizing how much love a mom can have.
2. Cool Guys - Watching them be cool is so comical. I know this is kind of a negative appreciation but I find small joy in watching cool guys make fools of themselves. I was waiting outside of Costco for Pete when a huge Hummer pulled into a parking stall. Well when the driver made his exit and tried to get out of the car I had to laugh. I say try because he had done a crappy parking job and was too close to a tree. Then as he stepped out he tripped on the step-up bar falling to his knees. I wouldn't have laughed but he was cool, hat crooked, big shirt, bling, and baggy shorts so I figured it was ok to get a chuckle out of it. He of course recovered quickly and managed to walk into Costco still looking... well, cool.
3. Strawberry Days- Every town has their special Summer celebration and PG has Strawberry Days. I won't go into detail but I love it. And what makes it so great is that we live on the parade route so it make that much more fun.