Friday, February 29, 2008

ABC...Thanks Gloriana

A - Attached or Single: Attached, pretty much at the hip
B - Best Friend: Very best, Pete. Too many best friends to name
C - Cake or Pie: Neither really. But if I had to choose Banana Cream Pie
D - Day of Choice: Any day but Tuesday
E - Essential Item: Wedding ring and silver bracelet. Presents from my favorite people
F - Favorite Color: Green, just come and look at my house.
G - Gummi Bears or Worms: Chocolate gummy bears and sour gummy worms
H - Hometown: Orem, Ut
I - Indulgence(s): Pedicures, hair salon visit and waxed eyebrows
J - January or July: July so many great days, 4th fireworks. 5th anniversary, and 24th ERYN'S Pioneer Day
K - Kids: Greatest thing in the world. I want 17 :)
L - Life is Incomplete Without: Cora, Pete, family, and friends
M - Marriage Date: July 5th, 2003
N - Number of Siblings. 6 of my own 5 of Pete's and countless other self proclaimed
O - Oranges or Apples: Both, but they have to be perfectly ripe and juicy
P- Phobias or Fears: Becoming overweight, people talking about me negatively, and loosing Pete (I have some insecurities, if you can't tell by my first answers.)
Q - Quote(s): "When a job is once begun never leave it till it's done. Do the labor great or small, do it well or not at all." unknown (my mom said this at least once a day to us.)
" You take the things you like
And try to love the things you took
And then you take that love you made
And stick it into some
Someone else's heart
Pumping someone else's blood
And walking arm in arm
You hope it don't get harmed
But even if it does
You'll just do it all again " -Regina Spektor
R - Reason to Smile: Life
S - Season: Spring
T - Tag Seven: Whitney Tidwell and Whitehead, Nicole, Sue, Kristin, Meghan, and Aubrey
U - Unknown Fact About Me: I dream of being a dancer
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Uh, not sure how to answer that. I love meat that is provided to us by animals who were put here to help us survive.
W - Worst Habit: Eating choices and negativity
X - X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasound, it would mean I was pregnant again!!
Y - Your Favorite Food: Right now, spaghetti and Chicken Green Chili Salad
Z - Zodiac: Aquarius


ty and megs said...

fun marie. i like that this one is a little different than the usual. i'll do it soon! :)

Beeta said...

I like that tag and I love your header! Cora is so cute!!! I keep hearing different people talk about you (good things of course) and it makes me miss you.

Kev and Aubs said...

That is fun. I will take your tag, but it might be a bit til I get to it.

Anonymous said...

A - Attached or Single: Attached, but Gabe is not my one and only. I need friends.
B - Best Friend: Very best,Gabe McKee and Biff - lots of other really good ones though.
C - Cake or Pie: I love Pie. It is the greatest thing in the world. Cherry and Apple rocks my world.
D - Day of Choice: Wednesday = no class and the bare minimum of work.
E - Essential Item: candy
F - Favorite Color: Brown!!!
G - Gummi Bears or Worms: BOTH and sour.
H - Hometown: that is a tough question for me but I'm going to go with Virginia Beach, Virginia because that is where I grew up BUT I was born in West Virginia and live there now.
I - Indulgence(s): lunch with friends, lots of candy. My head is going to rot off.
J - January or July: July so many great days, 4th fireworks. 24th ERYN'S Pioneer Day (Same for me)
K - Kids: They are cool if they don't belong to me.
L - Life is Incomplete Without: oxygen and books.
M - Marriage Date: 08-08-08
N - Number of Siblings. 2 brothers on my side and one brother one sister on Gabe's
O - Oranges or Apples: Both are swell.
P- Phobias or Fears: Failing my classes and comprehensive exams this semester!
Q - Quote(s): "Let us go then, you and I, when the evening is spread out against the sky" T.S. Eliot
R - Reason to Smile: Farts
S - Season: HOT SUMMER
T - Tag Seven: I will not tag.
U - Unknown Fact About Me: I'm freakishly anxious all the time.
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I like meat. It's okay. But I would be the BEST vegetarian ever. I love all vegetables besides celery. It tastes like evil.
W - Worst Habit: being negative nancy all the time.
X - X-Rays or Ultrasounds: I have no need for such extravagances.
Z - Zodiac: Leo

Love, Eryn

Tianne said...

I vaguely knew Pete in high school and found this via Kristen (formerly Lundquist's) blog and had to comment. I love Regina Spektor- that song, especially that part really does make sense, doesn't it? You have a fun and upbeat spirit about your blog and I enjoyed my visit. Take care!


p.s. we live in Orem, but moving to Saratoga Springs, it would be fun to get to know you.