Friday, May 2, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Thankful was a little late this week, I hope you will all forgive him (does that gender suite this day of the week?)

Thankful Thursday
Yesterday I was thankful for...
1. Husbands- This week Pete did so many great things for me, even though I have been awnry. This week Pete brought me a beautiful arrangement of flowers and a cute card. Flowers from Pete are few, but when he does give them to me I know it's something special. And a written note from him is better then anything in the world. I would rather have that than jewelry any day.
He also bought and installed a new kitchen faucet for me. Our was having a hard time staying on and it was so frustrating to keep having to turn it on. This one is so pretty I love it.

2. Soda- I hate that I love a cold Dr. Pepper or any Diet Cola, but I do. I don't drink them regularly or to I need an IV of them. But I just love that little luxury of getting one when I am out to eat or walking through Costco. I get giddy after taking a big sip and everything seems a little brighter.

3. Music- Specifically Led Zeppelin. I clean a house on Tuesday mornings, early. And nothing makes me happier, or the workload of 5,000+ dirty square feet seems smaller then a good song on my drive there. The other day I was getting frustrated because I had scanned through what felt like 100 songs and then complete bliss. Led Zeppelin's Heartbreaker came on and then Black Dog, and then a song from The Sounds. It was the best drive ever. I wish everyone had that little piece of happiness each day they drive into work.


whitneyingram said...

I will agree with you on the soda thing. Those first few sips are worth living. But I hate to tell you your little child will be asking for some sooner than later. That part about soda sucks. No bev is yours anymore.

Jaime Stephens said...

Those are some good things to be thankful for

Anonymous said...

Marie, how are you? This is Aunt Sharon. It is fun to see your blog. Your baby is beautiful. You should check out Angela's blog at & Alysons at
This will be a fun way to keep in touch. Is that Kelly's blog? Could you get me their email so I could contact them?
Aunt Sharon

Unknown said...

HEY! How are you doing? your little gal is so cute. YOur blog is really cute too. I really like it, its pro. You still work over at Tiffany's house on Tuesdays???

Beeta said...

I love your thankful thursday. Pete sounds pretty awesome, but he got lucky too! Hey, Josh's farewell is on Sunday at 9:00 if you want to come...sorry for the short notice.