Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Josephson Easter

In the Josephson household the Annual Easter Egg Hunt is a HUGE deal. It's not just your average egg hunt. My mom decided to make the holiday appealing to all ages of her kids and grandkids and created the Hunt of all Hunts.
The lawn is covered with boxes of cereal, 6-packs of soda, bags of chips, and all sorts of candy. It's great and each year it gets better. My brother Mitch is the one that counts down the days. You know the scene on The Office where Temp starts the fire and Michael runs out knocking over the women? Well that is Mitch. He knocks over his old daughters to get to the good stuff first. This year was no different. Here is what Pete captured on camera;

I turned my head for a second to retrieve my favorite Good and Plenty's and missed exactly what happened. But I am sure Chad stole something from Mitch and the fight began.

From the look of it I would say Mitch was defeated.

1 comment:

kelly said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For posting these pictures and telling the story. We love to see pictures from family functions because it helps to make us feel closer to home.