Monday, August 13, 2007

Bear Lake

The Josephson family headed out to Bear Lake last week. We missed Kelly and Kira's family and Pete but we were still able to have some fun. There's no reason in writing about it. The pictures say it all;

The boys engaged in a mud/sand fight.The rain started while we were eating lunch, so we took shelter.Like mother like daughter. Keeping warm during the rain.Mmmm Quincy loves sand.
Parks and Makelle are tuckered out.

Thanks so much to mom and dad for making this happen.


kira said...

That looks SO fun! I wish we could have been there. You are so cute--I love the pic of you and Cora. -k- does Makelle have a manacure?!? Lillie will be so jealous! :)

ty and megs said...

how DO you keep kids for eating sand!? and here in massachusetts it's not just sand. it's one part sludge, one part pollution and one part sand...and did a mention a sprinkling of broken glass!?

Beeta said...

Marie! I'm so glad you found me. It's been way too long. You're little girl is the cutest!! It looks like you guys are having a ton of fun. Are you still around here? PS ...You look awesome.

Tara Fears said...

That is NOT your daughter! She's so cute and so big!!!